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Nazam Lebaran
Saturday, August 24, 2013 | 11:19 PM | 0 Love
Is all about Raya for this post. Been really lazy these days, and i don't know what to say to myself anymore. Well Raya, how's Hari Raya 2013? Well..it went okay, but i don't really felt the Raya spirit this year. But yeah, had so fun though. Well Selamat Hari Raya guys, i know its already the 16 of Syawal but rather be late then never. What can i say much about Raya, is all about forgiveness and bond with family members. Once a year right? But for US it will be like, is all about the $$$. But still for me celebrating this Raya makes me bond with my cousins more. As we seldom meet up for a drink or shop. But yeah, my family did an Open House this year, just like last year. And also I'm blessed to be able to celebrate this year Raya with my love for the 4th year since 2010. Alhamdullillah. Haikal and I did went to our friends house for Raya visiting too ystrdy. It was fun with all his classmates, but i was the only girl and what to do right. Tomorrow, Sunday I'm going to Raya visiting with my secondary school mates, miss all of them. Glad that we are able to celebrate this year together again. I hope it will be as fun as last year's. Can't wait to visit all of their houses as all of their houses are really really BEAUTIFUL! 

Below picture is a picture we took during my Open House on 18 of August on the Sunday. Thanks to all my cousins, friends, makcheeks and pakchecks for having the time to come down and celebrate Raya together. Wuvv you guys! This picture was taking in my room as my wallpaper is to pretty to ignore. Alhamdullillah, haikal did came even though he had to rush back to his home as he needed to go Raya visiting to his aunties an uncles house. But thanks for coming babe, wuvv you eheh! Today is the 16 of Syawal. When to town with my love, abang and also eera as my closet needed something new. Thanks love, for accompany me for shopping even though you have a raya visiting with your friends but you still wanted to followed me as you said that you don't want anything to happen to me and also you needed to go to Mak Milah's house. Thanks my love for the kind of sweetness you gave to me all this time, Wuvv you so much. REMEMBER i will love you till jannah inshaallah! 

I think thats all for this post as i need a break for typing so much, well actually is not that much lah. And remember i blog because i think blogging makes me feel like its my diary that i would to share with all of you guys, my feelings and also thoughts! Will blog about LuvGlitz when my items have arrive alright? Till next time.

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